A mom on purpose, but a mompreneur by accident.


I'm Cassondra Shields

I'm a mom on purpose, but a mompreneur by accident.

I graduated with my BA at 30 weeks pregnant with my first baby (still walked across that stage in heels) and wasn't called back from one stinkin' job interview even though my CV was pristine - still can't figure out why...

During my unplanned maternity leave, I found a remote job teaching ESL online. I applied and quickly hit the ground running. After a few years, decided to start my own company "just to see..." and now am a mom of 4 running my own tutoring company with a team of to die for women teaching with me and teaching other moms how to do the same.


My Story

Today, run a remote tutoring business for kids 3-8 years old. I really focus on reading and English, but teach all core subjects. 

I work with all kinds of families from homeschooling and unschooling to traditional schooling as well. My favorite subject is reading and English and I'm mostly known for teaching kids to learn to read before they ever even get to school - whatever that looks like!

I went from teaching ESL to families in China for over 3 years to starting my own company "just to see" and accidentally fell into being a business owner and curriculum developer. 

I saw so much success right away and had so much fun doing it, that I started teaching other women how to do what I do as a side hustle. At first, I was just telling everyone what I did because I was soooo proud of myself. I found a way to make an income from home and part-time so I could watch my babies grow up. Then when the pandemic hit, we decided to not send out kids to public school and more and more women found my Instagram or Facebook and sent me messages and friend requests because they also were on the fence about homeschooling. The biggest problem for them, though, was they were working a brick and mortar job and relied on sending their kids to public school

I informally coached them through their start-up and after about a year thought, "Why don't I just create something for women on a massive scale? This should be available to everyone!"

In addition to running my tutoring business, I also help mommas become Mompreneurs and build their own tutoring businesses as big or as small as they'd like so they can have more freedom, income, and most importantly time to spend with their families.

You can have your cake and eat it, too!

Let me show you how.

Why I Do It

For these babies to the right.

My initial goal with online teaching when working with ESL students was really just to keep my family afloat and I was happy just being able to be home with my babies.

Then everything changed.

Tragedy struck my family when my sweet little son, Cohen, passed away in his sleep. He was 25 days old.

My husband was trying to finish his degree and work on his side hustle at the time, so my online teaching was paying 90% of our bills. If you've never lost a child, there is no explaining what that kind of pain is like. The emotional pain of losing your baby far outweighs any sort of physical pain you've ever been through. There is no morphine for loss.

Cohen is our 2nd born, so I still had my 22 month old daughter, Lennox, to care for (thankfully, because without her I wouldn't be here). I took several months off and we went into debt extremely fast. I didn't care to work. I didn't care to eat every day. I did the bare minimum and that was to raise my daughter and raise her fiercely.

I quickly became pregnant again (by choice and preparation) and my rainbow baby, Shiloh, is who brought me back to life. I always say that Lennox kept me here, and Shiloh kept me going.

Looking at our budget, there was no way that my husband and I making an hourly wage would ever climb out of the debt we fell into.

We kept working, but I started pouring my early mornings, nap times, and evenings into my business.

Within about 6 months, we were free of our debt and even bought our first house.

And today, I spend my time honoring the time I have with my other 3 babies while helping other Moms gain financial freedom.

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